The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery ~ Francis Bacon

Photo Of The Day!

Photo Of The Day!

I love this photo.  The bike says: Rebel.  Doing my own thing. Rogue wanderer.  Go wherever the hell I please.  Look at all those bits and pieces.  If someone took the time, this bike could be polished, painted, and steam-punked galore.  I could see myself on that bike.  Going out into the wilds.  Do you see the three frogs looking on?  Even they have amazement in their eyes.  That bike is a rare treasure.  I bet it sounds magnificent.  Rumbles like thunder closing in.  Vibrates with a life of its own.  Hauls up hills.  Flashes down inclines.  Slices at steep angles around bends.  Right now it’s in raw glory, just imagine if it were “cleaned” up.


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Photo Of The Day!

Contemplating confinement.  Captured and closed in when the wilderness calls.  Thinking about escape.  Reminiscing on days of freedom.  Remembering being the predator instead of docile prey.  Hand fed now instead of stalking, striking, spearing with sharp and precise teeth.  Hungry for a taste of adventure.  A place to stretch the legs, run and roam.  Raw scents on the air replaced by inner city pollution.  I used to be the master but now am only the lowly servant, forced to perform.  What price I pay for survival.


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Photo Of The Day!

One lock for every soul incarcerated?  One lock for each thought imprisoned?  One lock for lost dreams?  One lock for each mistake?  One lock for every family hurt?  One lock for every crime committed?  One lock for stolen futures?  One lock for shackled hope?  One lock for possible redemption?  One lock for justice served?  One lock for innocence misplaced?  One lock…one lock…one lock!


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Photo Of The Day!

Nature showing off.  Stripes of horizontal elegance as the tree strives ever vertical.  Pared down.  Naked.  Unadorned.  Raw beauty.  Fresh perspective.  An honest trunk.


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Photo Of The Day!

Oh wow.  Stunning.  Just look at those droplets of water.  Can you see how they range in size.  Large circlets of water at the top of the flower, slowly mirco-sizing as they reach the stem.  Why does this happen?  Obviously the heavier drops would not be able to hold a position along the sides of the petals, but still natures laws know exactly what to do.  Downsize.  Remarkable.  And just look at that beautiful bud.  So full of hidden potential.  One renegade petal is starting to uncurl.  There is so much anticipation of what beauty lay in the center of this pristine flower.  And the scent, just imagine its heady fragrance as soon as it bursts forth.  Priceless.


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Photo Of The Day!

Can you see the beauty in this photo?  Look at those magnificent green, tan, and salmon swirls on the ceiling, it looks like an old world map.  And see that wooden floor, I bet it makes a wonderful deep sounding thud as you walk across it, all gritty under the sole.  And that rocking chair with the broken arm, I bet it has a glorious squeak if you sat in it.  That painting on the far wall is askew, why?  And that door to the right, I can imagine it stubbornly refusing to close.  Rusted dry hinges, warped and not fitting within the frame snugly any more.  Who sat at that desk?  What did they see when they looked out of the window, and how long ago was that?  That tremendous curling board above it, I wonder what sound it will make when it finally free’s itself from the wall behind it.  Musty smells.  Little dust devils skitting across the floor.  Maybe a stray cat or two poking their noses in, rooting for a mouse here and there.  And just look at that magnificent wood stove on the right with those short pot bellied legs.  I wonder who felt the warmth of that when it was glowing in all of its glory.  Why was this house abandoned? What stories could it tell?  Is anyone still alive to tell the tale?  This room looks parched.  Starved for attention.  Aching for restoration.  I wonder how much longer it will stand.


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Photo Of The Day!

One day we will all hang our skin on the washing line of life as we walk away from this dimension.


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Photo Of The Day!

Look at this.  What a picture.  Full of movement and meaning.  She’s on the threshold of something.  A new beginning?  An ending?  She’s setting her boundary.  There is power in this shot.  Push.  Keep out.  Don’t take one step closer.  This is my territory.  My boundary.  Do not under any circumstances cross this line.  She is determined to make her point clear.  Note the peeling paint on the door jamb and the horizontal slash in her jeans.  Symbolically stating no entry here, I run a line through your entrance.  This exit is closed.  Her hands out in front.  Palms wide.  Showing you her personal space.  Extending her zone.  Marking the fine line of personal intrusion.  She won’t have none of it, and her hair flying wildly to one side suggests a sharp snap of the neck in defiance.  She won’t even look you in the eye, she’s done.  You might as well step back, turn around, and quietly walk away.  She is in her element.  Look at that one raised knee.  One step closer and I can hear a solid heel hit the floor in fury.  She’s a woman coming into her own.  Setting her own stage.  Controlling her own life.  Making a statement.  Her eyes are closed.  She doesn’t want to see it anymore.  You do not exist in her sphere of living.  She has permanently closed the door.  I love the strength in this photo.  It’s proud.  Unforgiving.  Unyielding.  A warrioress, full of purposeful passion.


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Photo Of The Day!

You can’t get light much better than that.  Simply stunning.  If this were a painting it would definitely be a Vermeer.  The light is perfect, capturing the essence of the fruit beautifully.  And just look how the fruit looks to be in full bloom.  Fresh. Succulent.  Delicious, just from the play of light upon its surface.  This is an amazing piece of photography.  The horizontal shadow whispering on the skin of each piece of fruit suggests a blind at the window with possible morning light breathing in through the glass.  There are droplets of water tenderly caressing the fullness of those nectarines.  Gently washed and ready to eat.  You can almost taste their sweetness.  This photo is a painters delight.  What artist wouldn’t want to paint with such a gorgeous display of light?


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Photo Of The Day!

Look at this.  Isn’t she beautiful.  Look at her strength.  The way she carries herself.  In all of her brittleness she still holds the attention, captivates the heart.  Note the two small upper leaves, poised, as though she is ready to dance.  Pirouette.  Possibly tango.  And look at the abundance of other fine greenery that surrounds her stem.  The leaves give the sense of an exquisite flamenco dress.  Swirls of passion.  This rose is a graceful lady.  Elegant even in her decline.  She holds her color and position well.  She has aged but still retains her sense of dignity.  There is a mature lure about her.  She has passed her prime but still has a certain sense of sensuality.  She is perfectly seductive in her senior milestone of life.


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Photo Of The Day!

Just look at that.  A thing of beauty in the midst of urban decay.  A piece of vibrant art surrounded by crumbling walls and peeling paint.  Why would someone do such a thing?  Art for arts sake?  That sudden compulsive urge to create?  Trying to brighten up, show contrast between blah and brilliant?  Who knows.  The point is to just enjoy it for what it is.  A fish swimming against the current of change.  Caught literally on the threshold of death and life.  New beginnings.  Old endings.  And possibly something spectacular in between.  Those colors are beautiful and rich.  When this building finally gets demolished will someone lovingly try to preserve this piece of art or will it be lost forever under a pile of miserable rubble?


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Photo Of The Day!

Isn’t it interesting that the roots of trees, the structure that allows it to stand tall, grow, and remain firmly in place, lay buried deep within the womb of the earth.  Same holds true for us too.  Our roots, often hidden from view are what made us who we are today.  Generational teachings, DNA infused within our blood, thoughts and ideas.  It all culminates into how we react and respond to circumstances in our lives.  Our personality, like that of the tree is shaped by so many things that came before us.  Sometimes we mutate, change the status quo, begin a new family tradition, but mostly it is all passed down and through us by the roots of our heritage.  We have a wonderful symbiant relationship with trees.  They pull in all of our carbon dioxide and breathe out fresh air, we in turn breathe in that freshness.  A delicate circle of nature’s balance.  I guess that’s why so many times trees are planted along busy stretches of road.  Roots, hidden, but full of so much meaningful purpose.  Cut the tree but the roots still remain strong.


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Photo Of The Day!

I like to think that underneath every burqa all Afghani women’s souls dance free like this with joy.  Hidden behind a thick layer of beautiful blue.  Ignored from sunrise to sunset.  Commanded.  Disrespected.  Misunderstood.  These women have dreams too.  Ghosts on the outside, feminine and full of life on the inside.  That flame of passion might be reduced to a tiny spark, but something, one day, with any luck will rekindle that desire and set the blue doves to soar higher than their national kites, over mountains, around the world, a single song of redemption, hope, and peace.  At least that’s what I see in this photo, what about you?  This one’s for you Hamidah.  A gentle soul.  A bright light.  A proud Afghani woman.  My friend.


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Photo Of The Day!

She’s retired now.  Past her prime.  Covered in a mossy coat.  She’s still in fashion, perfectly matching the emerald hills around her.  A little parched.  A monument of seafaring stories.  Dreams of grander times long since past.  She rests now.  Takes her ease.  Her brails have no sails to haul up.  She lets her contours slip into the muddy banks, a final defiant statement of, “Here I shall sit out the remainder of my days, I dare you to try and move me.”  Still stubborn.  Slicing through the landscape as she once cut through waves.  Many a soul have stood on her deck.  She remembers them all.  She heaves a sigh of relief.  At least my grave is here she thinks, and not at the bottom of some frigid sea.


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Photo Of The Day!

Not a wave stirring.  Silence.  Quiet before full dawn arises.  Perfect reflection.  Unmasked wonder.  Simple.  Elegant.  Stillness.  The ship as a soul.  Centered into itself.  Unruffled by the every day round of living.  Partnered in peace.  The ship of the self, tethered, yet waiting.  High level of expectancy.  The day has just begun.


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Photo Of The Day!

Who is observing who?  You are both the mystery to the other.  One in flight, the other firmly rooted to the ground.  Yet eye to eye, you connect on some primal level.  Being with being.  Life force with life force.  A certain knowing.  A soft understanding.  There is space enough for both.  A slight tilt of the head, a questioning look in the eye.  A brief pause to gauge the situation, friend or foe?  It takes but a moment to revere life in all shapes and forms.  It takes a lifetime to learn to live in peace and share this abundance we call earth.


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Photo Of The Day!

Peeling.  Aging.  Neglected.  Abandoned.  Forgotten.  A once smooth surface eroded.  Flaking.  Roughened by time.  Exposed to the elements.  Raw.  A faded splash of color. Graffiti?  Art?  Nature reclaiming all the fancy surface stuff and saying, “Enough of this, I’ll bring you back to the basics!”  Can you see the beauty in this?  Look at the abstraction of it.  It this were a painting it would be a good piece of art.  Squint a little and see what I see.  I told you there was beauty even in decay.  Beauty in stages and separations.  Beauty in glory and the underside of life.  Beauty in purposeful placement of creativity and beauty in natural unwinding states.  It all just depends on how you look at it.  You the observer determine what is eye-catching, breath-taking, artistic or not.


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Photo Of The Day!

Like a million little thoughts flying up to freedom.  A portion of potent prayers rising on the mists.  No engine.  Softly drifting.  Scanning the distance.  Easy travel.  At the mercy of currents and wind.  Gentle landings are wished for but unpredictable.  A beautiful glide through the atmosphere.  Relishing the earth with new eyes.


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Photo of The Day!

Fractured face.  Puzzled pieces shifting.  Cracked soul.  Worry lines.  Earthquakes of self-doubt and loathing.  Epicenter of woe.  Neglectful beauty.  Mournful pause in thought.  How gently she captures the age of death and decay.  A sad sigh in marble.  Plastered presence flaking back into nothingness.  Long forgotten like the loved one at her feet.  She looks on, hoping, watching, waiting, anticipating, that someone, somewhere will remember and maybe come and pay their respects.


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Photo Of The Day!

Can you hide tears in rain?  If you bow your head in blessed reverence while saying a heartfelt prayer as nature washes over you, does it make your words more potent?  Surrendering to the moment.  Accepting the state of what is.  Despite the outer circumstances can you still  find a little peace.  Nature showering blessings upon you.  Communing with natural forces.  Respecting the flow of give and take.  Appreciating the monsoon of life’s perpetual ups and downs.  Seasoning the soul with every drop of life giving rain.  Abundance.


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Photo Of The Day!

Sometimes such a small thing can save a soul from sinking.  Look at these two.  They seem to understand each other perfectly.  There is a nice symbiotic relationship here.  Both seem quite independent yet thoroughly attached to the other.  What is the story here?  Was the feline lost and now found?  Is this merely a routine coming together?  A daily expression of mutual trust and love?  They seem to be both deep in thought.  Little observances of ordinary everyday life.


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Photo Of The Day!

The gathering.  Leaning into one another.  Nature communing with nature.  A soiree of secrets.  Ancient sagas whispered.  Clothed in moss.  A verdant undulating carpet at their feet.  Roots deep.  Pulling from under-soil nourishment for growth.  What lovers have leaned against their bark?  What highwayman’s horses hooves have kicked up clods of dirt in their presence?  What battles have been fought valiantly in their shadow?  What ancient bones lay buried beneath their trust?  These elders have witnessed much.


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Photo Of The Day!

The conveyor belt of life.  You can either go with the flow or fight against where it wants to take you.  Damned hard work resisting the direction I can tell you.  Note there is no luggage on either belt.  Just as it should be in our own lives.  Who wants to carry around half the airport as excess personal baggage?  Don’t you think it’s time to lighten up?  It sure makes life that much more enjoyable.


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Photo Of The Day!

Sometimes a shoe is just a shoe.  Yet at other times a simple shoe tells a complex story.  Heartwarming.  Heart wrenching.  Heart expanding for those who take the time to stop and sincerely listen.  Where has this shoe been?  What is its story?  Where is it going?  And will it return?  The owner of the shoe, I wonder how many?  More than one soul could have traversed the earth wearing down the sole of this shoe.  A borrowed shoe?  Bought shoe?  Stolen shoe?  A shoe who’s owner shows gratitude for the simple and necessary things in life?  A shoe shuffling around in world poverty?  A shoe continents away or close to home?  Sometimes a shoe is just a shoe…..and at other times!


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